
Things I have thought about and come to realize

So I think a lot! Never stop! I've realized w/o God my life would be hell right now! Well it was and it was because I wasn't following God and wasn't trying to grow w/ God. I've realized since I've started back to church and started giving all my worries to God, and let his will be my life has improved so much! Somethings I still struggle with and am working on this. I have a hard time w/ routines, so I'm working on making a routine to reading my bible and writing in my prayer journal everyday. It's hard work! I have a friend that I love so much and that is having a hard time and I just wish she would realize what's wrong! She needs God in her life more! She's not a bad person or doing horrible or bad things, just doing her own thing and its catching up w/ her! I really pray for her a lot and want her to come w/ me to church one day or one night, I know she would love it if she just gave it a chance.

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