
Somethings gotta give

So i'm giving it to God. I don't know what to do or what will happen, but God does. So why am I worried???!!! Doesn't make sense. So I'm done worrying! It will work out as long as I believe God will take care of us! AND I DO!!! I applied for a job at SFMC in the newborn nursery today, night shift so I will be home w/ the boys during the day and Jay at night, no child care fees. Jay went up to talk to someone we know and told em I applied and told them about me and she said well so far I'm at the top of the list! LOL. So I'm leaving it w/ God. He is in control!!! Pray for us! Thanks!!!!


  1. I'm still learning to do that... and it's hard. Good luck with the job.
