

So I may be putting school off. I don't want to. But I think I am gonna wait till Jay graduates. But the thing is he's going to take off till Jan or Aug next year. He's having trouble w/ this one class and wants to take off to relax and study and get his head cleared. I'm totally against it, but can't tell him that. I want to be supportive in all his choices. So I'm being supportive about it. And since this is his choice and what he wants to do, I'm gonna be w/ him on it! But I am gonna put off me going to school to support him and make sure he graduates. Hope it all works out.


My weekend

So we didn't make it to the date this last Saturday, but we did make plans w/ Danielle to do pictures this Saturday at 9 am. I'm super excited. The weekend was pretty good. Saturday we went grocery shopping...I hate shopping. Went to Sam's...that place is awesome! LOL. Sunday had church, I was in the nursery, kinda miss sittin in chruch tho, but enjoyed talking to Jessalynn. Went to the inlaws for lunch. I was super nervous, considering they don't like me. It's kinda awkward for me. But wasn't too bad. Then we wen to the mall shopping. Got the boys some super cute easter outfits! I'll put pics up after Danielle takes them. Also got Jay a shirt and I got a dress. Which was pretty awesome. All around a good day.



So today hasn't been so great...Jon's not sleeping enough..and so fussy and whinny and won't sleep...Jay is trying to do something needs help I can't help.....just frustrating!!

Jackson's eyes

So April 8th, Jackson has an appointment in Shreveport w/ Dr. Alan Richards for his eyes. His left eye is turned in and started doing so about 4 months and has not improved. So I got him an appointment with the same DR that did Jonathan's eye muscle surgery when he was 6 months old. I was told then it was hereditary so I was expecting it, and looking for it. Hopefully it'll be a good trip and we'll get good news. My mom has taken off work to keep Jon that day so we won't have to handle him too. I'm ready to go and so nervous.

Date ?!?!?!

I'm kinda excited Jay sent me a text and wants to take me out tomorrow, he wanted a movie, personally tired of being inside so I suggested park, maybe a picnic. Well the weather tomorrow is suppose to be windy and a high of 58. I'm still up for it, I so want to be outside!!! The only major problem is we have no one to watch the boys. So we are kinda playing this by ear to see what will happen.